After weeks and months the 2020 election is finally in sight. The media is pushing the polls just as they did in 2016.

My good friend Bob Taft, always an artist with his pen, has taken time away from his latest book to paint a picture of America’s future in a Biden/Harris Administration. Bob’s essay speaks for itself. Americans should read it, digest it and understand Bob’s portrait is not an abstract. It’s as real as a Norman Rockwell original. I know you will find it time well spent.

By Bob Taft

I am an AntiAm (Anti-American) and I am voting for Joe Biden because he will:
> Further enrich his family. What he gained for his family as a senator and then VP will pail in comparison to what he will extract from the Chinese, Russians, Ukrainians and Iranians once he becomes president.

>Change America as Barack Obama said he would. Biden, with a lot of help from his hidden cabinet, will start by stacking the Supreme Court with activist jurists who are so radical he doesn’t dare show the American people his list of candidates.

>Pack the Congress by making Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico new states. The new new senators and representatives will all be Democrats. Since Republicans will forever be in the minority, Democrats will set all policies. The Republican Party will become immaterial as the country goes under one-party rule.

>Eliminate the electoral college and change the country from a representational democracy to a pure democracy where the mob rules and the minority will never have a say about anything.

>Lower the voting age to 12 since by that age all students have been told how bad the United States is and will vote Democrat.

>Replace the rule of law that says the law will be applied equally to everyone. The new double standard of law will give a pass to liberal malfeasance, but imprison conservatives for petty misdemeanors.

>Open the borders both north and south allowing in waves of new immigrants all of whom will be eligible for welfare and medical benefits.

>Expand the number of sanctuary cities to harbor the human traffickers, drug transfer agents, and South American gangs to hide.

>Raise taxes on everyone so that companies will close or move back overseas and people will flood to the nearest welfare outpost. Living on the dole will become the occupation of choice as Biden promises free
income to almost every demographic group.

>Pass universal health care, eliminating insurance for 180 million Americans, increasing corporate and individual taxes even further, and applying a health care system that resembles that of Veteran hospitals
under Obama.

>Invite Chinese dictator and Iranian ayatollah to Camp David. He will thank the dictator for COVID 19 and welcome him to continue his theft of American intellectual property and announce the removal of
tariffs on Chinese imports.

>Then he will embrace the Iranian leader as he reopens the Iran nuclear deal which will kill any chance of peace in the Middle East.

>With global corporations to ensure they have maximum exposure to the Chinese market while reviving the thievery of U.S. intellectual property and watching the trade imbalance with China widen.

>Work with west coast governors to ensure that the forest regions – or what’s left of them – are not cleared out of broken limbs and debris since that would not be environmentally proper.

>Bail out all of the underwater Democrat states whose debts, because of their gross incompetence, they cannot possibly ever pay.

>Work with George Soros and global corporations to ensure Antifa and BLM disrupt American cities as needed to intimidate conservatives.

And, of course…
>Enact the $94 trillion New Green Deal. Finally we can get rid of cows and birds and replace them with 14 million wind mills. Batteries will replace oil and gas and until that happens, we can once again depend on Middle East for oil…but where will we dispose of expired batteries? Not sure we should spend all $94 trillion over 10 years since the world is supposed to end in 10 years.

(By the way, has anyone seen the computer model for the 10-year expiration period?) And, besides, China and India are exempt from pollution control.

Oh well. Details. Details. Joe & Co. will sort them out. In fact, his biggest challenge is to rename the country. The United States of America surely won’t do since that country was bad and the new one will be good. To rid racism from the nation once and for all, the new father of the county has to be Barack Obama and Civil War Monuments will be replaced with busts of Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers.

Now listen to how Joe will accomplish all this.